Opening of the Golden Jubilee of the Diocese of San Pablo

Although it was been discussed before in the Presbyteral assembly or General assembly on the exact date of the Jubilee which will fall next year to be exact. Fifty years will start next year not this year. But since it was already been promulgated even during the three year preparation during the episcopate of Bishop Leo M. Drona.  We have to deal with these matter as it is that we are celebration it a year ahead of the exact time. This might me a small matter but this is a simple mathematics that should also be considered by those in the administration. we have also to consider that Jubilee year as celebrated in the Bible starts with the 50 years inclusive.

The Diocese have planned a series of celebration during the year. The first is of course the opening which also marks the opening of the Holy Door of the Jubilee year of the Diocese of San Pablo which was held last Saturday in Cathedral of St. Paul, the First Hermit.

Let us thank God for giving us this day of celebrating the faith received through our Lord Jesus Christ and the growth that it brings through the erection of this Diocese last November 28, 1966 from the then Diocese of Lipa. Here are some of the pictures and videos seminarian Paolo Fugaban has taken during the celebration. The videos will be later added because I have a very slow connections that has make me a backlog of a month of all the videos I wish to upload. I tried to live stream it but not all were been saved through live stream because it is also Internet dependent.


