First Papal Selfie?

It was after his election as the Supreme Pontiff, it his effort to keep up with the times the Pope Francis created an account as Pontifex. I was not certain the exact date but it was on May 2, 2013 that the social media have mentioned about it.It was during that time that the Pope has 30th tweet since his Pontificat. The papal account was immediately activated upon the election of the new Pope. The Papal account gloriously acclaim "We have a Pope".

The papal account is not being typewritten by the Pope himself but surely approved by him. There is a total of 7.2 million followers spread through nine different language based @Pontifex. 

It was on August 30, 2013 that the picture taken with the youth that some news outfits have dubbed as selfie but actually taken by was taken by a group of youths from the Italian Diocese of Piacenza and Bobbio.

It was Pope Benedict XVI who launched the first twitter account last December 3, 2012. Nine days after he made the first tweet.
This is his first tweet:
 I have created a widget for those who are interested to know what Pope Francis is twitting sucah as his prayer for Peace in Syria and in Middle east. The widget will be posted here in this blog and in the right side bar.

