Wowowee Stampede

Wowowee Stampede

We are all stunned by the news of the stampede in ULTRA astrodome for the celebration of the first anniversary of the entertainment show “wowowee” that kills 73 people and wounded a 355 or more, according to the initial report. Wowowee is one of the pet projects of one of the major TV broadcasting firm in the Island to boast its rating against other TV stations. Entertainment and games are two major characteristics of this show. Games which include prizes are competitive and charitable in character. The show became famous because of its charitable impact to the masses. I mean charitable because, they usually give it to those who are poor and destitute.

We could not blame the people who are hoping to be a millionaire instantly due to the present situation of the country. It is one of the hope which remains in the Filipino spirit to struggle against financial woes Filipinos are experiencing of which the government failed to deliver. Early in the morning, hundreds of people flock to ABS-CBN compound lining to be picked up as one of the contestants to the daily show. Today, in connection with their first anniversary, the organizing committee promised more money to be given as prizes. Consequently, thousands came to be a part of this game show and hoping to be the lucky winners and millionaires. But, for still unknown reason something happen that the authorities failed to predict that left hundreds more in pain and sorrows for the deaths and injuries.

TV screens show the presence of the vice president Noli De Castro who was one of the anchorman of the TV stations in the premises of the ULTRA trying to secure the area and contained the damaged including the psychological impact of the event. He announced that ABS-CBN will indemnify the dead and the injured. ULRA will not receive additional spectators for the event and the Show will continue not on its usual patter but to give assistance for those who suffered this tragedy. Noli’s parting words are; "authorities should learn a lesson here."

Yes, indeed, we should learn a lesson here. But not only for the authorities, though the buck of responsibility lies upon them, but for all of us. I am reminded with the words of Pope Benedict VI on his first encyclical letter “Deus Caritas Est” that “Love must be organized.” The Pope clearly stated that charitable works should be done with competent personality. Helping people who are need is a Christian work but proper training is required to handle the situation or else it will be chaos.
