Contemplating on changing the theme on the blog as blogger alerted me of the new themes in which features the post included starting today. Four new themes were added, the Contempo maybe short for contemporary, almost the same as of the present there called simple with the difference of left side bar rather than the right one with derivatives of color combination; second is the Soho which highlights one pictures and the latest blog post with snip sets of the other recent posts; next is the Emporio which features the blog like a website gallery of post, good for post with pictures; and the last is the Notable which highlights one picture, a cover picture like that of a Soho but the posts are designed to rests as a standing rectangle,
I have posted the picture for the benefits of non blogger users so that they might have some idea \of these new themes. I decided to chose the theme of Emporio for my blog. I hope you will like it. There will be some changes and some changes will take effect for some time.
If you have something to say, drop me a comment.
Here is the new look after several posts.
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