Test my site

Google has an application I just recently discovered, test my site.It test your site on 3 aspects, 1. Mobile Friendliness, 2. Mobile Speed and 3. Desktop Speed. I am not a professional webmaster and even a professional one should surely need to see a tool to help one in evaluating the performance of the site.

I have tried to test two of the site I manage, the free one from blogger, frjessie.blogspot,com and one of its own domain name and hosting site www.sanpablodiocesancatecheticalcommission,com.

The San Pablo Catechetical Commission site has the following results:

While frjessie.blogspot.com have the following report. It is quite low maybe because it is hosted in the free site.

You could ask to let them send the detailed report that gives you also a link to correct the limitations described above. So, if you are prompted if you would like a detailed report filled in your email address to receive the detailed report. We will see it also if the recommendations are commendable enough for improvements. We will see later 

