
After watching the episode of vermin culture or worm culture, I decide to visit the CRTD (Center for Rural Rechnological Development, one of the agencies of the Philippine Bussiness for Social Progress) located at the neighboring town, Calauan, Laguna, Philippines). The first time, I heard of it was when I was a new priest, when someone invited me to hear confession for a group of youth. It was later on through my cousin, Salvacion Torreflores, I learned that it is also used for training on a lot of matters including the information dissimination of the vermin culture.
After my morning mass, I asked somebody to drive me to the said place. There, I learned a lot of things about worms. However, I was not been able to bring with me my camera, I was not been able to take some pictures.
I also bought a Kilo of Vermins for 800 pesos, I was informed that it is about 150 pieces of worms. It was place along with the other composed materials so that they might have some food along the way. I asked somebody to fixed me a place for the said worms and I supplied a bunch of leaves and stems.
I will see if it is applicable for household use to lessen the amount of trash in every household. Will it be viable for small time culture management? How much space is required? Will it help the enviroment? These are just some questions, I hope to answer.
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  1. hello father,

    how was your vermin culture? How did it work? I'm actually a mother researching how to work out a zero waste management in my household. I want to try this vermin culture.

  2. Sorry, but I was not been able to monitor my vermins. I do not have the time. However, the consumption of food intake of these creatures is not enough to eat all my waste materials. Well, I do not know, how big is your household but on my case, It could help but it could not take all my 'wet' waste. Maybe I need more vermins and additional space.


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