Surfing the Internet on the speed of 3 Mbps without interruptions from the Internet provider is already considered a blessing in this small country we called Philippines.Internet surfing here is usually interrupted due to a lot of reason that the Telephone companies will give you. You will be blessed if your connection will not be interrupted by slow connection or lost connection. Yes, even when you are in the cities. it is quite surprising yo know that from the latest report that we still strive to use the Internet even if we are the lowest in the Asia in Internet connection. it is most surprising to know that our official do not know it, thanks to the latest survey report. I have the inkling of the same even before but have no data to support such claim. One of the senators I heard will investigate the said situation, I just hope that Internet surfing will improve even without the senate inquiry as immediately as possible.
Why ask for a better speed? you can do Facebook with the present speed. yes, you can accessed information through the present speed but to cover as much field in your research to your inquiry will do a lot of help if you are in better speed, the same principles applies to the traffic we are experiencing. We can cover more fields or information if we have a speedy Internet connection. uploading and unloading materials especially of video will save a lot of time and more productive time will be used in the business, work and personal level.
What does it reflect as a Nation? Wow, that is a big question. Stepping on this issue will also give us an edge as a nation. No wonder we always lagged behind our Asian neighbors. look at the chart and it will surely freaked you out compared to other nation such as Singapore.
Practically, what can I not understand is that why we lagged behind. Can you swallow the truth that we are behind Laos and Myanmar. Do we not have the right materials used in Internet connections?, Do we not afford the stiff prized of the high speed Internet connection? Do telcos overcharged us in our bill? Do telcos controls on how speed we will be using here in our country? Does National Telecommunication Company does not want us to have a high speed Internet connection. Do some politicians squeezing some money to be able to install a high speed Internet connection. or simply Some officials do not know the importance of such state of the art technology. What is really behind this story? I hope there will be some reasonable Filipinos who will find some answers on this issue and maybe some solutions to make our internet speed at least to 10 Mbps.
I read in one of the Philippine Media outfit, ABSCBN news to exact with the Title "Why Philippine internet speeds are slow. " by Jojo Malig but did not answer the very question the title ask for. He just presented the same data I have posted here as presented in the graph.
Philippines 3.6
Laos 4.0
Indonesia 4.1
Myanmar 4.9
Brunei 4.9
Malaysia 5.5
Cambodia 5.7
Vietnam 13.1
Thailand 17.7
China 18.3
Japan 41.7
Singapore 61.0
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