Every 11th of February, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. It is one of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary accepted by the Church.
Mary, the mother of God appeared in Lourdes, France in 1854 to Bernadette telling how to ask the bishop of the place to build a church there in her honor. A spring, have appeared to the place of apparition to strengthen the message of the Virgin Mary. It was them that a blind man after washing his face has suddenly healed. After that many have come to this little town for healing. In 1991, the Pope John Paul II decreed that this day will also be a World Day of the Sick.
One of my barrio dedicated their chapel in her honor. Though the barrio celebrates the fiestas along with the parish but it belongs to the poblacions. They have some little preparations through the sacraments of the mass and merienda siena for the said occasions.
The parish celebrates the World Day of the Sick at 3:00 in the afternoon through the mass for the sick. Within the mass healing session was held asking the Lord Jesus Christ for healing through her mother, the Our Lady of Lourdes.
Some of our separated brethren position the role of Mary in the Catholic practice. They thought we are worshipping Mary. No, we are venerating Mary and acknowledging her vital role in the proclamation of the Good news of Salvation and redemptive act of God. In the marriage of Cana, it is clear, that Jesus stated “Woman, it is not yet my time”. This is the response of Jesus Christ when Mary her mother told him that there is no wine. Though he told Mary that his time has not yet to come, he instructed the servants to fetch water on the wall and He turned it to wine His time has come because he decided to grant the request of her Mother.
