It was bee a long time since the seminary days that people tend to forget what was learned before. One of the most forgotten is the list of general councils of the Roman Catholic Church. usually people think only of the Second Vatican Council held more than forty five years ago. it was not clear to most of us that this is already the 21st general council since the council of Nicea on the year 325.
1. The First General Council of Nicaea, 325
2. The First General Council of Constantinople, 381
3. The General Council of Ephesus, 431
4. The General Council of Chalcedon, 451
5. The Second General Council of Constantinople, 553
6. The Third General Council of Constantinople, 680-681
7. The Second General Council of Nicaea, 787
8. The Fourth General Council of Constantinople, 869-870
9. The First General Council of the Lateran, 1123
10. The Second General Council of the Lateran, 1139
11. The Third General Council of the Lateran, 1179
12. The Fourth General Council of the Lateran, 1215
13. The First General Council of Lyons, 1245
14. The Second General Council of Lyons, 1274
15. The General Council of Vienne, 1311-12
16. The General Council of Constance, 1414-1418
17. The General Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence, 1431-1445
18. The Fifth General Council of the Lateran, 1512-1517
19. The General Council of Trent, 1545-1563
20. The First General Council of the Vatican, 1869-1870
21.Vatican II - 1962-1965
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