Supreme Court Decision on RH Law.

The Catholic Church has lost the war on Reproductive Health (RH) Law today in the Philippine situation. The Supreme Court  had ruled out that the RH law is constitutional except some provisions that were struck out.

Most of the provisions were struck down  concern more on religious liberty rather than on the protection of life nor on the artificial birth control.

Personally, I am not surprise of the outcome of the decision due to the fact that we have have really failed to educate the faithful concerning this matter.

We could no longer do anything about the past, we have to open a new chapter in our quest of protecting life and to create a more effective program for family and life ministry.

What is more important is that we fight a legal battle on this issue, though we may not won this court battle, it has teached us a tremendous lesson that we have to learn also how the world around us operates so that we can addressed the matter in the language that world understands.

Did all our prayers useless? Did our effort become has come to nothing? Absolutely no, that is the reason we pray, and we know that not all our prayers are answered, it does not also mean that we pray for the wrong intentions. God has other reasons. What is clear is that our prayer has made us more resolute in our advocacy for the dignity of human person, the defence for human life and holiness of family.  
