The Holy face sisters of which sister Venus belongs will be pulling out from the parish work. The superior told me that they could no longer give the parish a hand in secretarial endeavour because their novices will be having a extensive formation in preparation for their anniversary. The decision has greatly affected me, because, as a new assigned parish priest, the sisters was endorse to me by the former parish priest, I was confident that there will be no problem that I will encountered because I am already been secured of a secretary. I have already given her instruction and policy I prefer. Now, I will start all over again.
The continuity of information may be severed between the existing policies and traditions. I have to start from the scratch. Although Owie was formerly been assigned as a secretary several years from the past. a lot of changes have occurred.
Some of the parishioners have some reservations concerning Owie, I respect that. When O told the PPC concerning the problem on the pull out of the nuns, I have waited that will field in somebody for the position or at least have a little effort to find one. I have no knowledge of the past of Owie. Since, it was the most logical decision because, he was been recommended to me by a former parish priest of which he served before. This was even before I arrived here. However, I turned it down before I committed myself before to the presence of the sister to the previous parish priest.
I have expressed also my feelings to the superior that since the previous parish priest no longer serve here, they are pulling out. The previous parish priest is also their spiritual director. They told me that I was wrong on that matter. They could not give me one, I am asking for one nun, one nun, they could not fill me up. I am not against for the spiritual growth of the sister but they should not accept job they could not maintain.
We all know that secretarial work is very sensitive to the eyes of the people. It is the face of the parish priest to the people. It is not part of my principle to bring secretary wherever I go. Now, that principle is being challenge.
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