San Pablo Mass Media Site

The Mass Media Ministry met this noon at St. Gabriel Parish, San Pablo City. The Nature of the said meeting is to expand all possible means the use of Mass media to explain the Catholic faith especially here in the diocese of San Pablo. All possible means include interpersonaldissemination, electronic media, print media, radio and television.

For the moment there are two prevailing concern that must be dealt with urgency, the proper use ofmedia and the public information and defense concerning the subtle attacks on family and life. this site will serve as the official site of the ministry of Mass Media of the Diocese of San Pablo as one of the ways of which to expand all possible resources concerning the activities of the said Ministry of the diocese. We have to fulfill the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, to teach all nation of what He had handed to us through His apostles and to the Church.

This commission is headed by Rev. Fr. Romulo Ponte

This is the introduction I wrote on the new blog site I created for the Ministry or Commission of Mass media of the Diocese of San Pablo. Fr. Romy Ponte commissioned me to post all the necessary activities of the Diocese as materials arrive. Please be informed that all of the information therein iof of official in nature. Please browse through the said site on this address:

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